Leading Up

Leading Up

A few days ago, I received an email from an organization called Desiring God (I have a subscription). I didn’t think much of it, but I thought that the subject line of the email was very interesting. It said, “Satan’s Go-To Tactic.” But after reading the subject line, I didn’t read the article.

This past week leading up to the trip, I fell sick with a fever. And it caused for doubts and temptations to start re-surfacing in my mind. I was questioning God’s presence and His plan for me. I then remembered that email I received from and I quickly went to read it. And so from that article, I want to leave you guys with this quote as a reminder and encouragement.

“We defeat Satan by clinging to that gospel, defiantly, flinging it back in Satan’s face. If I am a child of God? I am a coheir with Christ, chosen in him from the foundation of the world. Seated with him in the heavenly places. In him, all the promises of God for me are yes in Christ Jesus. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”
