Prayer Requests: Day 11

Day 11.

English Proficiency.

If you look at a sample of the equivalent of grade 6 English in Taiwan, you can begin to see that this is an opportunity and door to minister. It’s like some of us born in Canada trying to learn Chinese. Relatively speaking, to their credit, their English is still probably better than our Chinese (for those born in Canada will probably agree with me).

But this makes it an interesting door for us to go into Taiwan and be welcomed into the school and maybe some families as “teachers”. A “teacher” is in a position of respect which makes it much easier for us to go build relationship. And relationship is everything in Taiwan. It’s the difference between being invited or not into their homes or gaining a listening ear. Pray that meaningful relationships can be developed over the course of this English Summer Camp. Pray for opportunities to share Christ with families and youth.

Today, I would like to introduce another member of the team, Jared Chan. Jared is the youngest on the team. He is 10 years old. Jared is the only child and son of Rev. Joe Chan and Betty Chan. He loves sports. He enjoys badminton, skiing, skate boarding, and swimming. He also enjoys playing the piano.

Jared currently attends People’s Christian Academy and is in grade 4. His Chinese is virtually non-existent as he prides himself as a Canadian over Chinese. However, his English is more than enough to assist and help at this English Camp. Please take a moment to read his prayer requests.

Jared’s Prayer Requests

  • Safe trip
  • Learn more about God
  • Live more like Jesus