Prayer Requests: Day 14

Day 14.

Children Protection and Safety.

Since we are ministering to youth (teaching English to Junior High students), it was a mandatory requirement to do “Plan to Protect”. Plan to Protect is a service or seminar that goes through policies and procedures, risk assessment, strategic planning, criminal record checks, and training to create a safe community. Fortunately, our children and family pastor, P. Anthony Yuen, was equipped to help us go through the necessary training so that our Taiwan STM team could be trained.

During the training, we went through quite a bit of protocol that lasted about 2 hours. Some of the information was common sense, but there were some parts of the training that many of us did not know at all. How do I know we didn’t know everything? We did a quiz! Fortunately, the entire team passed the quiz, but no one got perfect. We’re thankful that we could learn about Plan to Protect so that we can continue to keep youths that we’ll encounter as well as youths on our team safe. Pray for safety of all the children that we will encounter in Baozhong. Pray that we would always consider children safety and protection a priority throughout this trip.

Today, I would like to introduce another team member, Tony Tsui. He is married to Angelina (Day 3) and has three sons and a daughter. Tony loves fishing! He also enjoys singing, so he joined the choir and worship team at his church. Tony will be using some of his gifts in singing to lead a simple worship time at the Baozhong church as well as sing some simple English songs during the camp. We’re not sure if there will be time for fishing in Taiwan, but at least he will go out to fish for people! We’re thankful that he is on our team. Please take a moment to read his prayer requests.

Tony’s Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for our kids’ safety in Toronto while we are on the Taiwan mission
  • Pray for our health and safety during the trip