Prayer Requests: Day 3

Day 3.

The Baozhong Alliance Church started in Oct. 2015 by Rev. Lorne and Kathy-Lu White, a missionary couple from the C&MA. The Whites arrived in the area initially about twelve years ago. About five years ago, Rev. Albert and Elaine Lu, also C&MA missionaries, were called to serve as team members of this Taiwan mission. About two years ago, P. Joshua Lee, a local person from Baozhong, began pastoring the church.

Today, the Baozhong Alliance Church averages 8-12 people on a given Sunday. Our Taiwan STM team nearly doubles the attendance of the entire church! This part of rural Taiwan is a difficult ground to break open for the Gospel. Pray for Rev. Lorne and Kathy White, Rev. Albert and Elaine Lu, and P. Joshua Lee, the workers of this harvest field. Pray that God would open the hearts of the local people to the Gospel.

Today, I want to introduce another member of our team. Her name is Angelina Tsui (pictured with her daughter and dog). She attends Toronto Christian Community Church. She is married to Tony and has 3 sons and 1 daughter. She loves cats and dogs. Please see her prayer requests.

Angelina’s Prayer Requests

  • Mom’s speedy recovery and stable health, as well as safety of my children back home so that I won’t get distracted throughout the trip
  • Good health and safety throughout the trip
  • God’s protection and guidance throughout the trip
  • Opportunities to witness and share the gospel
  • Opened hearts of students and local people towards the gospel
  • Team unity