Prayer Requests: Day 6

Day 6.

The temperature in Baozhong is around 30°C. In July, it will reach up to around 35°C with 80% humidity. Fortunately, it will be cooler at night, with temperatures about 25-27°C. In other words, it will be uncomfortably hot and humid during the day!

Further, the classrooms in the school that we will be teaching in do not have air conditioning. There is air conditioning in the main office of the school, but no one will be there while teaching and interacting with students during the day. Pray that no one would get seriously sick, e.g. heat stroke due to the weather in Taiwan. Pray for good health of the STM team so that they would be able to do God’s work.

Today, I want to introduce another team member, David Chan. David is married to Elsa (who is also going on this trip) and has 3 daughters (Grace, Joycelyn, and Hannah). He is a wonderful supporter of missions and the team. He has participated in multiple short-term missions trips to China in the past. Please take a moment to read his prayer requests.

David’s Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the team would be united, healthy, and have peace
  • Pray that I would be prepared and focused on the God’s Great Commission
  • Pray for protection of the team and my family in Canada
  • Pray that after the short-term missions trip, I can find work and that He would open a pathway that is consistent and pleasing to God in the new job