Prayer Requests: Day 9

Day 9.

God’s Provision.

Have you seen astronomical numbers on a bill before? I don’t know what goes through your mind when you see huge numbers. But look at this motel receipt. It says “169,920” and “50,920” near the bottom. To me, that’s scary! Fortunately, that’s all in Taiwanese currency (NT$) which is divided by roughly 24. But still, that works out to be approximately $7202.65 CDN and $2158.42 CDN! That’s the entire cost of the motel stay for the entire team in Baozhong and the deposit is required to be paid upfront.

The entire trip will cost somewhere under $3,000 for each person (airfare, bus rental, car rental, motel, food, etc.). Further, some members only have 2 weeks of vacation in the entire year and they have chosen to spend that precious time on this trip. In other words, for some, doing mission is their vacation!

Even with a church subsidy (which we are indebted and thankful to our home church), this is still a significant cost to do God’s work in Taiwan. For some on the team, this is both a huge sacrifice and an exercise of faith. For instance, David (introduced on Day 6) shared in his prayer request that he will need to find a job after the trip. Yet, while there are some concerns, that has not stopped him or his wife (Elsa) from going on this missions trip. In the end, everyone on this team believes it is worth it!

Why? Ultimately, there is a strong belief that God is our Jehovah Jireh, which means ‘Provider’. Pray that God will provide for this team and each member’s needs for this trip. Pray that we would exercise unwavering faith in Him who provides for all our needs. May we trust in the Apostle Paul’s words when he said in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Today, I would like to introduce another member of our team, Elsa Chan. She is married to David whom I talked about earlier. She has three daughters (Grace, Joycelyn, and Hannah). Elsa loves to bake. She, like Eleanor (introduced on Day 8), loves to garden. She has many beautiful flowers and assorted plants that give rise to produce, e.g. tomatoes. Please take a moment to read her prayer requests.

Elsa’s Prayer Requests

  • Pray for team members’ unity, health, and peace
  • Prepare our hearts to focus on God’s mission
  • Protect the team and their family members in Canada
  • Pray for David’s job search after the missions trip