Youth Ministry: August News

Youth Ministry: August News

August marks the end of the 2020 academic year for us. This has been a strange one. Yet, I imagine that the next one’s going to be even stranger… Nonetheless, changing times also moves us towards innovation. For the first time, we launched all our ministries online and it led to countless discoveries of new ways to engage in  ministry and (re-)imagine what ministry is. There’s been good in this!

Yet, there has been, unquestionably, remarkable loss as well. Fellowship just doesn’t feel right without being able to see and interact with one another face-to-face. God created us to be creatures of community. So it’s right that we would yearn to be able meet together again. But until then, we continue to trust in the sovereignty of God and wait with bated anticipation for that day when we can return to freely meet together. 

As the title said, this will wrap things up for the year. But just for Themelios though! Themelios will be taking a break in August in order to make time for training up the new committee. The 412 Fellowship will continue bi-weekly throughout August though. 

Information on transitions in September will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

Date 412 Fellowship Themelios
Jul 31
Aug 7 412 Hangout
Aug 14
Aug 21 412 Hangout
Aug 28
All programs will be held online.
Go to or for access links

2020-21 Themelios Committee

For those who will be starting Grades 10-12 in September, would you be interested in serving in Themelios by joining Committee? Consider serving in this unprecedented time and help to lead your fellowship through what will certainly be a curious year. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith and also develop leadership skills. For more information and to apply, click here. Application are due July 31.


Pastor Darren