Youth Ministry: February News

Youth Ministry: February News

For the latest schedule, go to!

I just came back from Hong Kong last week and I was reminded everywhere I went that Chinese New Year is upon us. Red decorations with gold lettering, signs of “luck”, dragons, red pockets—everywhere. As a second-generation Chinese Christian, Chinese New Year has always been a tensive time for me. Why do I have to recite phrases that I don’t understand to relatives that I’m not close with to receive certain “blessings” from them? Why are crisp dollar bills so important? Why do I need new clothes? Why do I have to clean the house before New Years day but I can’t on the day of it? So many questions and points of confusion. So with all this, how can I maintain faithfulness as a Christian while also respecting these cultural traditions? 

On the one hand, I know that some of these observances are plainly unbiblical—the idolizing of material wealth, the appeasing of demonic spirits, the worship of deceased ancestors, the superstitions around maintaining prosperity. But on the other hand, I do see that there are also things that can be commended by the faith—gathering as families, showing mutual respect, offering blessings (at least biblically inclined ones anyway). 

In the end, we know that culture is a gift from God. It was out of his creative providence that formed us as unique people groups with unique traditions to offer unique outworkings of worship to him. But because of sin, there are now aspects of our culture and traditions that fail to uphold biblical truth. Therefore, our task today is to discern what can be redeemed from our culture and what cannot. 

Parents, I encourage you in the days ahead to work with your kids with an open mind on how to discern what’s good in our culture and what needs to be changed. Help them understand the things that you’re asking them to do in observing the celebrations but also allow for them to challenge the culture and ask questions. 

Similarly, youth, I encourage you to seek understanding of this culture, especially of the things that are unfamiliar to you. Look for how God shaped aspects of the Chinese culture for the gospel but also test areas of it that are incompatible with the faith. Talk to your parents about these things! 

All in all, I wish you all a wonderful season of gathering as families and observing the good of culture in God’s creation. Here’s also an article that I came across that you may find helpful. 

412 Update

For 412, I’m happy to inform you that God has provided again in a new counsellor for us! Please join me in welcoming Allen. Allen started serving this group through Sunday School and he came to love the group. He has a huge heart for the youth and I’m so glad that he’ll be joining our team!

Church News

AFC’s Teens Conference
For all youth, Teens Conference will be held March 11-12 for Juniors and March 13-14 for Seniors. Hope you’re all able to join, register at their website here

Pastor Darren