Youth Ministry: October News

Youth Ministry: October News

Hi Everyone,

Happy Reformation Month! In our English congregation this month, we’re celebrating alongside many other Protestant churches the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It was on October 31, 1517, that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses against the Roman Catholic Church on the door of the church of Wittenberg and changed the course of history. In commemorating the event, we’ll be preaching through what’s called the “Five Solas” in our English service. The word “sola” means “only” in Latin and the Protestant reformers used it to form their five central pleas against the excesses of the Roman Catholic Church. Be sure to join us on Sundays as we explore this important topic!

  1. Sola Gratia: Grace Alone
  2. Sola Fide: Faith Alone
  3. Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone
  4. Solus Christus: Christ Alone
  5. Soli Deo Gloria: Glory to God Alone

So to sum that up in one statement, we believe that we’re saved by grace alone, through faith alone, according to Scripture alone, in Christ alone, and to the glory of God alone! Check this out for more information on what these statements are; or if you have time, borrow the Luther movie from our library, have a family movie night, and check out why the Reformation was such an important event!

Here’s all the other stuff coming up this month!

  412 Fellowship Themelios
Oct 6 Gym Night Praise & Worship Night
Oct 13 Yard Work Yard Work
Oct 20 Bible Study Bible Study
Oct 27 Board Games Night City United *

City United – Olive Branch Community Church (175 Anderson Ave, Markham), 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
As part of my ministry, I join with a bunch of other Markham youth pastors to form what’s called the Markham Youth Network (or MYNet for short) as part of the greater Canadian Youth Network. And this year, we’ll be hosting our second ever joint event for all the Markham high school fellowships. This will be a time of fun, worship, and prayer for all the schools represented. There’s no actual monetary cost for this event but all are encouraged instead to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the food drive that they’ll be running. If you have any questions, just give me a shout. I’ll post some more info closer to the date. In the mean time, here’s the consent form.

Thanksgiving Service – Saturday, October 14, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
All are welcome to join us for our church-wide Thanksgiving service! For more information, go here, hope to see you there!

The Truth Expedition
If you haven’t checked them out yet, check them out! This is our homegrown channel brought to you by the folks of Themelios where they’re answering all your burning questions about faith and life. Like, follow, comment, and subcribe to their YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook!

Social Media
For all other things social media, be sure to be following our own Instagram as well as the church’s Facebook page and Instagram too! And of course you’ll always find the most up-to-date information right here!

Vacation Alert!
Jackie and I will be taking some vacation time together from October 26 – November 14. I’ll be in and out of the city so I may not be able to respond to you as promptly as I usually do, sorry! For anything urgent, you’re welcome to contact Pastor Joe in my absence.
