Prayer Requests: Day 16

Prayer Requests: Day 16

Day 16. The Gospel Heritage. Albert B. Simpson, founder of the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination, often used Matthew...

Prayer Requests: Day 15

Prayer Requests: Day 15

Day 15. Spiritually Attuned. Missions is God’s work. We are only participants in the work that He already is doing in the world. God...

Prayer Requests: Day 14

Prayer Requests: Day 14

Day 14. Children Protection and Safety. Since we are ministering to youth (teaching English to Junior High students), it was a mandatory...

Prayer Requests: Day 13

Prayer Requests: Day 13

Day 13. Produce and Industry. The people of Baozhong are either farmers or factory workers. The main produces of Baozhong are...

Prayer Requests: Day 12

Prayer Requests: Day 12

Day 12. Shirt Designs. The STM fund-raising team have been selling t-shirts for the last several weeks in addition to food and chocolate...

Bulletin for June 16, 2019

Happy Father’s Day. Words are never enough to thank you for all that our Fathers do. We ask our God to bless them with love and care...

Prayer Requests: Day 11

Prayer Requests: Day 11

Day 11. English Proficiency. If you look at a sample of the equivalent of grade 6 English in Taiwan, you can begin to see that this is...

Prayer Requests: Day 10

Prayer Requests: Day 10

Day 10. Missions Education. We have highly recommended and encouraged team members to take Kairos. Kairos is a ten lesson interactive...

Prayer Requests: Day 9

Prayer Requests: Day 9

Day 9. God’s Provision. Have you seen astronomical numbers on a bill before? I don’t know what goes through your mind when you see huge...

Prayer Requests: Day 8

Prayer Requests: Day 8

Day 8. Unity of the Team.  The entire team recently did a personality survey. There were four personalities characterized by four...